Changing your password is an important part of keeping your account secure.
Video Walkthrough
For a visual walkthrough, How to change your Wink Reports password in Wink V2. It demonstrates the process step by step for visual reference.
Follow these steps to change your Wink Reports Password.
Note: this assumes you are currently logged in to Wink Reports. Use the password reset screen if you have forgotten your password.
On the Home Menu: Click the right arrow beside your organisation name..
In the Profile Menu: Click on “Change Password.” This will display the "Change Password" section, showing all current settings.
From the Lower Left Corner: Click the People Icon, then select “Profile.”
To Change Your Password: Click “Edit” on the right-hand side.
Enter your old password.
Enter your new password, then re-enter your new password to confirm.
Click the “Save” button to complete the change.